以文本方式查看主题 - 宜春强微生物科技论坛 (http://bbs.hl99cn.com/index.asp) -- 强微畜禽动态 (http://bbs.hl99cn.com/list.asp?boardid=108) ---- 强微生物饮水剂出口到东南亚国家 (http://bbs.hl99cn.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=108&id=5287) |
-- 作者:hl99cn -- 发布时间:2015/12/9 15:22:16 -- 强微生物饮水剂出口到东南亚国家 第一批达到泰国的强微生物饮水剂检测结果。由于运输途中的高热问题,每批检测结果有相对较大的差别。 1. The sample was randomly sampling from 8 boxes of 25 kg for a total of 2000 kg 2. Mixed 2000 kg of Poultry drink in Mixer for 7.5 min. 3. Take 2 samples from 5 points (for a total of 10 samples) per 100 gram bag. 4. Tested 5 samples by Laboratory on Nov 3, 2014 - Keep 5 sample at storing room in Factory 5. Tested Results